So I got a tax return this year and spent some of it on TurboFire. It's a cardio/weight loss program from Beach Body Fitness that focuses on high intensity workouts that are dancy and fun. I, admittedly, paid a lot of money for it, but the package comes with 10 "classes" and a schedule of when to do which workout. It also has some information on healthy eating habits as well as a suggested diet which I am largely ignoring. I bought it because it looked like a reasonably entertaining program and the before and after pictures looked legit. You know how some programs try to sell you a before and after picture that don't even closely resemble the original person? Not so, TurboFire. The pictures were obviously the same people, looked convincingly free of photoshop, AND didn't have that "results not typical" tagline. I was sold. I ordered a week ago and picked up my package today. I decided to go ahead and dive right in.
Holy Cow. If this doesn't do the job nothing will. It was everything it promised. The routines were fun and I feel confident that as I continue to do them I'll pick up on the transitions better. I'll be honest, all in all with the catch-my-breath breaks I took I did about half of the workout. Even then, my legs are still tingling over an hour later. This was the first workout I've ever done that made me sweat enough to immediately want to wash my hair after. I, in general, am not a big sweater. I've decided to go with the pre-program to work myself up to the crowning glory of the TurboFire system: the HIIT workout. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Basically you go really really hard for about 30 to 60 seconds, then rest for the same amount of time and then go hard again. It cycles this way for anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes. I watched the HIIT and I don't think I'm ready yet. So I'm taking the extended class schedule in which I can take two months of doing the "easier" (I use this term very lightly) cardio, sculpting, stretch, and toning classes. This way I can psych myself up for the big leagues. I'm interested to see the other classes. The instructor, Chalene, is like a cheerleader on speed and I love it. I also don't feel bad when I see HER, the creator of this program, get winded. I feel like I've accomplished something just because I didn't quit. So far it incorporates a lot of kick-boxing which I actually enjoy. Now the test is to see if I maintain this enthusiasm for the next six months...and I think I just might.
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